
PRP Hair Restoration

PRP stands for “platelet-rich plasma.” Platelet-rich plasma therapy uses the best rich plasma your blood has to offer because it heals injuries faster, encourages growth factors, and also increases levels of collagen and stem cells—these are naturally produced in the body to keep you looking young and fresh. In this case, those growth factors are used to help regrow thinning hair.

How the Procedure Is Done

PRP injections are completed in three steps:

  1. To carry out the therapy, your own blood is drawn, likely from your arm.

  2. That blood is then placed into a centrifuge to spin down the blood into three layers: plasma rich in platelets (PRP), platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells. The PRP will be injected, and the the balance of the blood will be safely discarded.

  3. That PRP or “blood injection” is then injected into your scalp with a syringe after a local anesthetic has been applied.

Who Can Benefit from PRP Injections?

PRP injections can benefit a wider range of people than you may have initially thought. These plasma injections are platelet-rich and can potentially help the following groups:

  - Both men and women. Male balding and hair thinning is talked about  extensively, but women do not often get the same benefit of widespread information. The fact is that women can lose hair, too, due to several different factors.

  - Those suffering from androgenic alopecia or other forms of alopecia. This is also known as male/female pattern baldness. It is a hereditary condition that affects around 80 million people in the United States alone.

  - A sizeable age range of people. Many successful clinical trials have been tested with people ranging from 18 to 72 years of age.

  - Those suffering from hair loss due to high-stress levels. Since this condition is not chronic, it can be treated rather easily.

  - Those who have recently experienced hair loss. The more recent the hair loss occurred, the better your chances are of repairing it before it is too late for positive results from PRP injections.

  - Those with thinning or balding hair, but not completely bald people.

PRP injections are meant to thicken, strengthen, and grow hair from follicles that are still functioning, however weakly this may seem.

To understand how PRP works, it is important to be aware of the role that platelets play in healing. Platelets are a component of blood, along with red and white blood cells. When a person sustains a cut or wound, the platelets are some of the body’s “first responders” that arrive to stop the bleeding and promote healing. Researchers theorized that if they could extract concentrated platelets and inject them into damaged areas of the body, they could accelerate healing. To produce PRP, a medical professional will take a blood sample and put it into a machine called a centrifuge. This machine spins at a rapid rate, which separates the components of the blood. The medical professional then extracts the platelets for injection.

PRP contains a range of growth factors and proteins that speed tissue repair. As some types of hair loss result from damage to hair follicles, researchers initially hypothesized that PRP could help regrow hair by reversing the process that occurs in androgenetic alopecia. Since then, PRP has become a popular method of restoring hair growth. Doctors have also used PRP to treat injuries to the tendons, muscles, and ligaments, such as those that people sustain during sporting activities.

Call to schedule your consultation today.

Hydrafacial Keravive

HydraFacial Keravive is a unique, relaxing treatment designed to cleanse, stimulate, nourish and hydrate the scalp for fuller and healthier−looking hair.

The NEW HydraFacial Keravive treatment uses vortex technology and Keravive Peptide Complex Solution to cleanse, exfoliate, stimulate, and deliver a proprietary blend of growth factors and skin proteins to hydrate, nourish and stimulate the scalp. The result? Thicker, fuller, healthier−looking hair!


HydraFacial Keravive, like the original HydraFacial treatment, is a 3−step program:


HydraFacial Vortex Technology extracts dirt, oil and impurities from the scalp and hair follicles while stimulating circulation.


HydraFacial Keravive Peptide Complex Solution nourishes and stimulates the scalp and hair follicles with growth factors and skin proteins to promote thicker, healthier−looking hair.


Daily use of the HydraFacial Keravive Peptide Complex Spray enhances the in−office treatment and delivers daily stimulation and nourishment to the scalp and hair follicles. The combination of in−office cleansing, exfoliation and hydration, and daily use of the take−home spray improves circulation and nourishes the hair follicles for thicker, shinier, healthier−looking hair.

For more information or to schedule an appointment call 502-583-6647 or click the button below.

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